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DynamoDB Persistence

The DynamoDB persistence is usually set up automatically for you and does not require any further options when running in AWS. Only in case of using different data location, e.g. locally, it may be required to add additional parameters:

# Default
# Advanced

Note: The properties Region, Endpoint, TablePrefix, accessKeyId and secretAccessKey are optional. Properties are separated by a semicolon. Of no properties are set, the configuration is derived from the container environment, which is by default the case.

Note: The inet_persistence URI is not an ARN even though it may look similar.


The TablePrefix property allows to run multiple instances in the same account. The allowed characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., - and _.

Note: before changing the prefix, you have to create a backup in the maintenance application and restore it after the change. Otherwise you may suffer data loss for an always running instance.


Using the DynamoDB persistence requires additional components to be installed into the plugins/persistence subfolder of the installation. There are pre-made Docker containers in case of a containerized usage.

If the respective files do not yet exist, you have to download them from the public maven repository at:

The DynamoDB driver package has to be extracted into the plugins/persistence subfolder. The persistences main jar has to be saved into this directory without extracting it.

Note: You have to navigate and download the version matching your installation.

Note: In addition to the released version, there may be beta versions available: Persistence beta version, DynamoDB beta version package

Memory Usage Considerations

The following numbers will allow to get an insight on how much memory is required:

Component Memory used Comment
Configuration 50KB
Eventlog unknown Eventlog is fixed to 30 days of event data
User Metadata 10K per User mostly depends on the Avatar size
User Data (uploaded files) Size of compared documents x 3 (for result) Depends on the quota
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