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System Properties

The following system properties are available to control the behavior of i-net Clear Reports and i-net Designer:

Parameter Name Description Sample
-Dclearreports.config Location of the configuration to use -Dclearreports.config=USER/myconfig
or -Dclearreports.config=SYSTEM/mysystemconfig
-Dclearreports.configfile Location of a crystalclear.properties file that will be imported into temporary configuration -Dclearreports.configfile=crystalclear.properties
-DCC:xxxx=yyyy Command line arguments to set property values of the Report Server -DCC:listener.port=9001
-Ddebug Enable/Disable the debug options -Ddebug=true/false
-Duser.country Country of the used locale -Duser.country=us
-Duser.language Language of the used locale -Duser.language=en
–open <report> open a report files at the start of i-net Designer java -jar inetcore.jar designer –open <reportfile>

Command Line Parameters

With the following command line parameters you can use the Configuration Manager without GUI to import an i-net Clear Reports configuration or a Data Source configuration.

Parameter Name Description Sample
-listconfigurations Lists the existing configurations java -cp core/inetcore.jar com.inet.config.recovery.RecoveryConfiguration -listconfigurations
-importConfig <name> <file> Imports properties file if specified configuration does not exist java -cp core/inetcore.jar com.inet.config.recovery.RecoveryConfiguration -importConfig System/Default crystalclear.properties
-forceImportConfig <name> <file> Imports properties file and replace existing configuration java -cp core/inetcore.jar com.inet.config.recovery.RecoveryConfiguration -forceImportConfig User/MyConfig C:\crystalclear.properties
-exportConfig <name> <file> Exports the specified configuration in a properties files java -cp core/inetcore.jar com.inet.config.recovery.RecoveryConfiguration -exportconfig User/Default default-configuration.properties
-importDatasource <scope> <file> Imports data source from XML as exported by the data source manager. If a data source under the same name already exists, an additional one will be created with a unique name. java -cp core/inetcore.jar com.inet.config.recovery.RecoveryConfiguration -importDatasource System mydatasource.xml
-forceImportDatasource <scope> <file> Imports data source from XML as exported by the data source manager. If a data source under the same name already exists, it will be replaced. java -cp core/inetcore.jar com.inet.config.recovery.RecoveryConfiguration -forceImportDatasource User mydatasource.xml

With the following command line parameter you can set the active configuration for "Standalone Configuration & Recovery" mode.

Parameter Name Description Sample
-clearreports.preferredconfig Select the active configuration java -cp core/inetcore.jar com.inet.config.recovery.RecoveryConfiguration -clearreports.preferredconfig User/Default
-client.ip The ip address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the client that will be able to connect to the standalone configuration. This is useful for headless server. The default is java -cp core/inetcore.jar com.inet.config.recovery.RecoveryConfiguration -clearreports.preferredconfig User/Default -client.ip <ip-address of the client>
i-net Clear Reports
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