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This tool tests the performance of the server. The purpose is to check if your server environment/network is fast enough for the product or to find out what part of the system is too slow.

If certain clients are very slow, run the benchmark on the slow client and on the faster client and compare the results. Problems are often related to network issues.

The analysis consists of multiple tests in which each test has a traffic light showing whether this part of the system is okay or is likely to have problems. In the normal case all traffic lights should show green. Yellow lights can point to a problem. If it is red, that part is most likely too slow or too low for the product to work properly.


The following tests will be executed. Each test is run one after another, restarting with the first after finishing the last until you stop the test.

CPU Utilization

Tests the utilization of the server's processor(s) and displays the average value. A high utilization means that too much work is done on the server concurrently. You need to reduce that work and / or install a faster CPU.

Please note that the shown percentage value is the total utilization of the CPU, not the utilization this product is causing. In case there is other software running on the same machine (like a database, webserver etc.) that software could be the source of the high load as well.

Free Memory

Tests how much memory (RAM) the product is using and how much memory is free to be used. The free memory is shown as an absolute value and as a percentage of the maximum value the Java VM may use. A low average free memory means that the Java VM must spend much time for garbage collection, which can slow down the system significantly. You need to find the source of the memory consumption, grant more memory to the server VM and / or install more memory on the server.

Free Hard Drive Capacity

This shows the free capacity on the partition the product is running on. If the value is too low, there may not be enough space for temporary files and the hard drive may be busy due to fragmentation. Install a hard drive with more space, or free up space on the hard drive.

Upload and Download Data to Server

Tests the network-speed between this client and the server. Will upload and download data to/from the server. If the average bitrate is very small then the network between this client and the server may be too slow. You should compare the results with other clients or run the benchmark in a browser on the server.

Hints for testing

  • The benchmark test will run forever on the client if not stopped. Since the benchmark uploads/downloads a lot of data, we recommend to switch off network-monitoring tools when testing for a longer period of time.
  • All tests are running on the client or server - so they are affected by other processes. If the server is busy due to another process, the performance determined by benchmark will decline.
  • Note also that the result of network-tests (Server to Database, Upload and Download) are not only affected by the network itself, but also proxies, firewalls or the utilization on the remote server/database - if the server is too busy, it may be unable to answer requests quickly even if the network is very fast.
  • If you have problems only on certain workstations, run the benchmark on these clients and take a look at the Upload & Download average bitrates. If the bitrates are significantly slower than the bitrate on other, faster clients, there may be a problem with the network, proxy or subnet.
  • If the system is slow, independent of the used client, check the server CPU, memory and harddisk result and also the server data source test if a database is involved. Testing different datasources can reveal problems with a certain database.
  • If you see performance problems only on certain hours of the day, run the benchmark during those hours to track the problem down. You can run it over multiple hours. Use the Details Chart to see when the worst average values (peaks) occurred.
  • If you cannot find the cause of the problem in the product have a look at other software running on the server.
i-net CoWork
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