GPT is a public OpenAI platform for natural conversations using AI technology. The configuration of this provider is required for requests to, e.g. ChatGPT. The following settings can be made here:
AI Connection Name: This name is always used when a specific AI connection is used.
OpenAI API key: The API key to be used for requests to the platform. Please refer to https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys for additional information.
Anonymize request content: Phone numbers and email addresses are anonymized in this case so that no personal data is sent to GPT.
ChatGPT System Prompt: A preset system prompt to instruct ChatGPT to answer with a specific behaviour. See https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/chat for additional information.
ChatGPT Model: The model to be used for requests. Please check which models are available to you and your API key.