User with the Server Administration and Manage Users and Groups permission can schedule multiple recurring daily notifications for users and groups. The Notifications configuration additionally offers advanced options to add more Web Push services that are whitelisted for browser to be used.
Notification scheduling
Notifications consist of a title, message body and at least one recipient. They optionally can be set to being critical and/or permanent - and therefore non-removable by the receiving users.
The title and the text can be set up with alternative language texts. The default language texts will be used if the language of the user (or client) can not be determined.
Notifications can optionally be configured with a link that should be visited when clicking the notification body. This link can either be a relative path on the server, e.g taskplanner/
or an absolute link to a website, e.g.
Note: All notifications configured here can only be received in the server interface if the and/or the recipients have logged in during the defined period.
Time Restrictions
Recurring notifications will appear once a day in the configured timeframe. They require to have at least one day of the week configured.
Active weekdays: on which days should the notification be delivered. At least one has to be set.
Start and end date: restrict the notification to a date range (including edges). It will not be delivered outside of this range.
Daily start and end time: restrict the notification to a time frame within the day. The time frame will be used for every day on which the notification should be delivered. To receive the notification the recipient must be logged on to the server interface during this period. If no start time is set, 00:00 will be used. If no start time is set, 23:59 will be used.
Hint: Notifications can be disabled by setting an end date in the past.
Hint: Notifications will be removed from a users notification center after the end time has been reached or the notification was deleted here.
Either users or user groups can be configured to receive the notification.
Web Push Services
The Web Push Service is being used transparently for users that allow sending notifications to the browser. Applications from the i-net CoWork server that are installed as PWA receive Web Push notifications too. Users have to opt-in to push notifications beforehand. If they did so, new push notifications will be sent using external services, provided by browser vendors, whenever they are not using the application actively. However, if they use the application actively, notifications are sent using local notifications, without external services involved.
Web Push notifications are always sent using SSL / HTTPS encryption to the external provider and to the users browser / PWA application. Notification messages have an additional encryption layer.
The configuration allows to whitelist additional external Web Push Service providers to allow them to send Web Push notifications to user browsers. There is a list of Server Default Web Push Services, containing provider internet addresses that are well known to send Web Push notifications to browsers, such as Chrome, Brave, MS Edge or FireFox.
Administrative users can add Additional Web Push Services if the default addresses changed or other addresses are required.