The Discord communication extension provides a bot which can be triggered from Discord to request information from the i-net CoWork server. Webhooks, provided by Discord, can be set up for usage with the task planner - to send status or notification messages.
Discord Bot
The Discord bot allows to request information from the i-net CoWork server. The list of available commands is returned if the bot is triggered without a specific command.
The process of creating a bot connection is straight forward and described here in addition to the configuration page:
Visit the Discord Developers website
Select "New Application"
configure optional icon and description
Select "Bot" from the side navigation
Click "Add Bot" from the page, making sure to activate the "Message Content Intent."
In the "Bot" page, select "Copy Token"
Paste this Token into the respective configuration page.
Public Bot
can be on or off -
Requires OAuth2 Code Grant
must be off
On the "OAuth2" page navigation, select "copy" of the Client ID.
Paste the client ID into the
OAuth2 Client ID
Add a user in the configuration with whom the bot will be run
Click the "Apply" button of the dialog
Click the "Click here to add the bot to your Discord" link in the i-net CoWork server configuration
Update the "Command Prefix" to the desired prefix to address the bot from Discord
Check "Activate Bot" to enable the bot.
Apply the new configuration
You can now start talking to your bot in a Discord channel.
Discord Webhooks
A Webhook is an alternative way of sending information to discord. Webhooks are used, e.g. by the Task Planner to send notification messages to a given channel.
The configuration of webhooks allows to have them re-used at various places and by the users. A web hook is created by a server administrator in Discord.
Open "Server Settings" in Discord
Select "Integrations"
Select "View Webhooks"
Select "New Webhook"
You can now set an icon and the default name of the webook
Copy the Webhook URL and paste it into the configuration