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Links are references of directories in the Drive. That allows to share content from one to another user. Links can be created only in the Drive, not in external mounts - however, you can create links of mounts and their sub-folders in the Drive or even other links.

A user with writing permissions can create a new link to another resource in the current directory. To create a new link, click the three-dots menu and select Create Link. The following dialog requires you to select the Target of the link (1) - that is, what should the new link point to. The Name of the link (2) is optionally set to a custom name.

Links can easily be distinguished from folders by their link icon.

Figure 1: Select Create Link
Figure 2: Select Target and Name of the Link

Note: Copying a folder that contains links created by a different user will result in the creation of a link to the original link. This way, no permission given by the original link creator will be overridden.


Users with writing permissions in a directory can create new links to directories they have at least reading permissions to. The creator of a link can change the permission to resources in that link. However, users can never gain higher permissions in a linked folder than what the link creator or user have themselves or is assigned to users.


  • The user who creates a link has only Read permissions in the linked folder
    • Other users may only receive Read permissions to resources in the linked folder, even if they have Read and Write in the original folder.
  • The user who creates a link has Read and Write permissions in the linked folder
    • The creator of the link can give Read or Write permissions to other users. If the creator does not have access to the Users and Groups Manager, no specific user or group may be selected for permissions, only general permissions may be assigned.
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Help - Links