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Copy and Move

User can copy and move individual or multiple elements, including directories, to another location. When performing any of the operations on a directory, all sub-directories will be copied or moved as well. Users have to have writing permissions on the destination of the operation. If files are moved, writing permissions are required in the source location as well.

For the operation to successfully complete, you have to consider the following:

  • Permissions of the source are retained, except:
    • If the destination is inside the current user's User Directory or inside a linked location, then the permissions are removed so the parent directories permissions will be used.
    • If the source was from inside the current user's User Directory then the permissions will be inherited from the destination.

Conflict Resolution

During a copy or move operation, conflicts can be resolved in several ways:

  • Target exists: Destination can be overwritten, skipped or a copy can be created.
  • Target is writing protected: Operation can be repeated or canceled.
  • Target is locked: Operation can be repeated or canceled.
  • Sub-Element is not available to user: During a move operation, a conflict can also happen, e.g. for sub-elements that only have read permissions to the current user or are invisible. In that case, the operation can only succeed if the current user gains the required permissions to repeat the operation.

Resolving conflicts by creating copies

If a file or directory cannot be created, Drive checks whether creating a consecutively numbered copy can resolve the conflict. If the parent directory is writable, the Create copy option is also offered in such a case. With this option, the element is not written with the original name, but is also numbered in order to obtain a unique name.

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Help - Copy and Move