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Permissions can be set per directory and are, by default, passed on to subdirectories that do not define their own permission. Directories that do not define custom permissions inherit the permissions of their parent. A user has to have writing permissions to the directory to update any permissions. The creator of a directory automatically gains the Reading and Writing permission, which cannot be altered. The creator of a directory can't be changed either in the UI, after the directory has been created.

By default, there are the Reading and Writing permissions, while writing also implies reading. Additional permissions for other plugins, such as executing reports in i-net Clear Reports, may be available. However, these permissions have to be set explicitly, even for the owner of a directory - or may be set in the User and Group Manager using global settings.

Users need to have at least Reading-permissions to actually see and access any directories and their content.

Users without the permission to the Users and Groups manager application can only set permissions for all users, not any specific users.

Note: additional permissions do not imply the Reading permissions. This is a special feature of the Writing-permission only.

Note: the root directory has Writing-permissions for administrator users only. However, administrators have full access to all other directories - except for the user directories.

User Directory

The User Directory, if enabled, only allows the owner user access with Reading and Writing permissions. No other user has access to this directory. Permissions can not be modified in the User Directories.

Elements that are moved or copied into the User Directory will lose all their previous permissions and have Reading and Writing permissions for the current user only.

Note: administrative users only have the option to remove User Directories from the Maintenance application, without any detailed insight of the content.

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