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Edit User Field

Depending on whether the field is predefined or user-defined, different settings can be made here. For predefined fields it is not possible to change the key or the type of the field.


The following properties of a field are available:

  • Key: a unique key for this field. Once created, it cannot be changed. The key is used for internal assignment and is not displayed in the productive interface. Keys may only consist of lower case letters, numbers and the special characters _-(),. and may only occur once in the system.
  • Label: is the visible text of the field to the users. This name can be stored for multiple, arbitrary languages. At least a default translation is required. For predefined fields it may be impossible to completely remove predefined translations, however those translations can always be changed.
  • Description: an optional description of the field which can be stored in multiple languages.
  • Data type: determines what data can be entered into this field. The type of predefined fields cannot be changed.
    • Note: Changing the data type of an existing field deletes all previous data for that field from all users.
    • Ignore timezone (Only for date and date with time): When activated, this date or time will be used like a local date: exactly this date or time is displayed for any user, not depending on their respective timezone. In the other case this date or time is interpreted as a concrete point in time, which will appear different for users with different timezones.
    • Selectable values: for user-defined fields with the data type Selectable values, a list of values that can be selected for this field in the user's master data is stored here.
    • Selection mode - Whether for Selectable values one value, multiple values or an own custom value be be selected.
    • Link (href) and title (only for External link data type): The link and the title to be displayed are specified here. The values of the user's other fields can be used with placeholders. The key of the field is always used in curly brackets { and }.
      • Example: https://www.server.domain.com/access/query={identifier}
      • Note: if no value can be determined for the placeholder, it is removed from the result
      • Note: there is the additional placeholder {userid}, which resolves to the ID of the user.
      • Note: not all fields can provide a textual value.
  • Default value: depending on the data type, a default value may be stored. Another exception are some predefined fields for which no default value can be specified. If a new user is created afterwards, the default value is already set for the corresponding field.
    • Note: if a default value is added to a new field, all existing users will adopt this value.
  • Visible: specifies for which users this field is visible. It is possible to hide a field completely or show it only to administrative users.
  • Editable: specifies whether every user can change this field themselves, or whether certain permissions must be available for that.
    • Note: a read-only field can be changed by the system, e.g. Task Planner, regardless of the setting.
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Help - Edit User Field