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User Fields

The User Fields contain master data to be assigned to a user. By default, these include, for example, the first name, last name, and email address. The user fields configuration allows administrative users to customize, sort and extend this list.

The table lists all fields that have already been set. A distinction can be made between predefined and user-defined fields.

  • Predefined: This field is predefined by the system. The type of the field cannot be changed and the field cannot be deleted. However, adjustments to the visibilities and default values are possible. The field's labels are changed using the Translations plugin.
  • User-defined: A field created by the administrator. All settings can be made here and these fields can also be deleted again. It should be noted that when deleting as well as changing the data type, all stored data of this field will be lost for every users.

The field entries in the list show additional information for a better overview. This includes the description of a field, whether it is user defined (via icon and additional hint) and whether it has been set to hidden for all users.

The order of the fields is also used in the user data dialog. It is therefore possible to change the order via the arrow buttons and to re-sort the list.

Creating new fields is done via the Create new field button. The editing is done via double click or via the menu button of a field entry line.

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Help - User Fields