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Job Manager

The Job Manager Web API is an interface to access information about the jobs in the system. It also provides possibility to perform operations on the available jobs.

Requests have to be sent as HTTP requests with the scheme http://[HOST]:[PORT]/api/jobmanager/[Command]. To access the Job Manager Web API a user has to have the required permissions - which can be set in the configuration manager. All clients have to be authenticated in order to use the API.

Note: The Job Manager Web API can be used only by users who have the Job Manager Web API access permission set.


The Job Manager Web API exposes the following features:

  • Listing queued/running jobs created by the authenticated user
  • Listing queued/running all available jobs
  • Requesting detailed information about a job
  • Canceling a job


The following commands are available for the Job Manager Web API:

Command Description
/queued Lists queued jobs created by a user
/queued/all Lists all available queued jobs
/running Lists running jobs created by a user
/running/all Lists all available running jobs
/memoryusage Request statistics about the memory usage
/<JobID> Returns detailed information about a job
/<JobID>/cancel Request a job to cancel the operation
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