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External Webserver

With this setting, a Login URL to an external webserver can be defined. Users will then have to authenticate against this webserver/webservice which in turn has to return a valid response in XML format.

To enable the external web server to authenticate the user, all cookies (e.g. the session cookie) and the HTTP authentication header of the original request along with it's request are forwarded to the authentication server.

URL of the login script

This is the URL at which the authentication can be performed. The URL must be accessible from the backend server.

Trust all SSL login scripts

Accepts all SSL certificates of the defined login script. This is necessary if you have entered a login URL at an HTTPS location that use a private certificate or a certificate for another host name.

  • Default value: deactivated
i-net CoWork
This application uses cookies to allow login. By continuing to use this application, you agree to the use of cookies.

Help - External Webserver