Product Authentication
The Product Authentication is a standalone, built-in way of authentication. It does not rely on any external authentication providers. Username and password are stored encrypted in the persistence of i-net CoWork.
Users can register new accounts
Allows users to create a login for their account on their own using this login provider.
Default value: enabled
Minimum password length for new users
Users that sign up for an account using the Product Authentication provider in i-net CoWork have to have a password with the required minimum length.
Default value: 8
Required password strength
The requirements for the password strength is an option with three possible values.
Allow weak passwords (default)
Allow genuine passwords
Require strong passwords
The strength is determined using a third-party-library ( and is done entirely in the browser. The factor of strength is a calculation on how long it will probably take to guess the password using powerful hardware - a computer doing 10 billion calculations per second.
Note: The passwords will not be sent over the internet. The strength is determined in the browser entirely.