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Result Details

The result details contain the status of and information about the given backup result.

Note:The results can be accessed in two different ways.

GET /api/backup/results/<ID>

GET /api/backup/definitions/<ID>/results/<ID>

Requests the details of the given backup result

RESPONSE Fields Value Type Description
appNameAndVersion string The name and version of the application the backup has been created with
jobid string The unique ID of this backup result
definition string The unique ID of original backup definition
name string The name of the original definition
created number The timestamp of when the backup results was created
taskKeys array A list of keys of tasks that are included in this result
runningStatus object Information about the current state of the backup result
contentInformation object Additional information about the backup result

Example Request

Note: Only one of the GET lines can be used at the same time. They represent alternatives.

# Request
# Use user:password for authorization
GET /api/backup/results/6ed666d2-963a-41f9-972f-dc18d95506b5 HTTP/1.1
GET /api/backup/definitions/d7b3a485-b946-4edc-96db-1a41870f2584/results/6ed666d2-963a-41f9-972f-dc18d95506b5 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "appNameAndVersion": "i-net PDFC 20.4",
  "jobid": "6ed666d2-963a-41f9-972f-dc18d95506b5",
  "definitionid": "d7b3a485-b946-4edc-96db-1a41870f2584",
  "name": "DS",
  "created": 1576146152439,
  "taskKeys": [],
  "runningStatus": {
    "waiting": false,
    "running": false,
    "finished": true,
    "taskProgress": {},
    "taskErrors": {}
  "contentInformation": {
    "path": "/backup/DS 2019-12-12 10-22-32",
    "started": 1576146152440,
    "ended": 1576146152449,
    "duration": 9,
    "size": 467,
    "taskDetails": {}

Application Example

# Browser access
# Shell access using curl
curl -LsH "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" ""
# Shell access using curl using username and password
curl -Lsu username:password ""
curl -Lsu username:password ""
i-net CoWork
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Help - /results/<ID>