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The Backup Web API allows to check up on the defined backup tasks and results. The API can be used to import previous results and to create new backup results by executing given backup tasks.

Requests have to be sent as HTTP requests with the scheme http://[HOST]:[PORT]/api/backup/[Command]. To access the Backup Web API a user has to have the required permissions - which have to be set in the configuration manager. All clients have to be authenticated in order to use the API.

Note: The Backup Web API can be used only by users who have the Web API and Server Administration permission set.


The Backup Web API exposes the following features:

  • Listing backup definition
  • Running a backup job using an existing definition
  • Listing results
  • Downloading a backup result
  • Uploading a backup result


The following commands are available for the Backup Web API:

Command Description
/definitions List available backup definitions
/definitions/<ID> Show details for a backup definition
/definitions/<ID>/execute Run a given backup definition and create a new result
/results List available backup results
/results/<ID> Show details of specific result
/results/<ID>/download Download the given backup result
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