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Connecting to Google

An authenticated connection to Google is required in order to access emails, or files from Google Drive. This guide is a walk-through to establish an OAuth application connection, based up on Googles interface in the year 2022.


The following prerequisites must be fulfilled for a successful connection to the Google authentication service:

E-mail retrieval

If an e-mail retrieval or dispatch is initiated with this profile, the following requirements must be met:

  • The server must be able to call the following domains: smtp.gmail.com, imap.gmail.com.

Creating a Google Cloud Platform Login

You are about to create a GCP API and Service login now. This login will provide the authentication credentials for the OAuth connection we want to add to i-net CoWork.

  • Make sure, you have selected the appropriate project in the title bar of the interface, or create a new project
  • Click Create Login in the menu, then select Oauth Client ID
  • Select Web Application as the Application Type
  • Enter a Name describing the application
  • Add an Authorized Redirection URL and enter the value displayed in the configuration dialog of the i-net CoWork server, where a new connection is created
  • Click Create

You have now create the login application. A dialog with the required information is displayed and you can download it as JSON file.

  • Copy & Paste the Your Client ID into the Client ID field of the OAuth Connection dialog in the i-net CoWork configuration
  • Copy & Paste the Your Client Key into the Secret ID field of the OAuth Connection dialog in the i-net CoWork configuration

Note: The Secret ID is considered a password, so please keep it in a safe place.

i-net CoWork
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Help - Google