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Token AuthenticationInactive

The following information is derived from the plugin description.

Enables Web API access using access tokens.

The tokens are configured in the users settings if the Token Authentication Permission is granted. The provider supports Bearer and HMAC authentication tokens. A Bearer token is being generated by the application and can be directly used to authenticate Web API requests. An HMAC token is being generated by an external application that wants to access the Web API and has to be added to the user settings.

This login provider only allows access to the Web API and can not be used for regular user authentication. Multiple tokens can be configured by a user, each with different Web API access points.

Changelog Information

Fixed Bugs

  • When accessing the server using HMAC token authentication, the system failed to log the user token's last access time.
  • Added Plugin "Token Authentication".
  • Enables Web API access using access tokens. It allows users to create access token as another means of authentication into their account - but with restricted access scopes.
  • Support added for HMAC token authentication like used from MS Teams
i-net CoWork
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Help - Token Authentication