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The following information is derived from the plugin description.

The Calendar plugin allows the Task Planner to read iCal and ICS files and run a series on the events of a defined period. The additional Trigger allows to run a Task Planner task when an ICS or iCal event occurs.

The Calendar plugin remembers which events have already triggered a task until the task is changed.

Changelog Information

  • For calendar triggers and series, added the placeholders calendar.event.startDatePretty and calendar.event.endDatePretty which use the server timezone to create a more readable form of the dates.

Fixed Bugs

  • Setting up a calendar Task Planner trigger on repeating events that began in the past did not correctly compute the next execution time.
  • Calendar triggers with trigger times set to trigger after calendar events would not trigger for repeating events.
  • Triggers can be set to start after events as opposed to only before them.
  • The calendar trigger automatically refreshes its events from the given calendar every 30 seconds.

Fixed Bugs

  • Next task execution times filter out past potential execution times.
  • There is a new calendar trigger that allows running Task Planner task with a time offset when an event occurs in the given ics or iCal file.
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Help - Calendar