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i-net CoWorkActive

The following information is derived from the plugin description.

Simple and fast communication solution for companies. Enables GDPR-compliant operation through own hosting.

With i-net CoWork, companies have the option of using a GDPR-compliant chat platform in their own company network. All data, messages and attachments remain within the company's own network and can be made securely accessible externally, for example through a VPN connection.

The teams can be structured as desired or based on the departments in the company. Each team (e.g. department) can have its own administrators to allow self-management of the channels. Teams can be public (All users who have permission to access i-net CoWork), or they can be restricted to specific user groups or individuals. Channels are located below teams and initially have the same members. Private channels can be created by team administrators and shared with all or only some members of the team. Organization of information / topics can thus be easily implemented. Communication between 2 users can be done via direct messages. Only the two participating persons have access to these special channels.

By using mentions, which are started with '@', users or also groups can be mentioned. They will receive a notification about the new message in addition to a marker for the message. Using the @all and @online mentions, all users or those logged into i-net CoWork can be mentioned and notified.

Sharing images and files in channels is also possible, as is simple formatting with MarkDown. Attachments can be dragged and dropped or copied and pasted into a message.

i-net CoWork is under continuous development. An integration into maintenance to save messages via backup is already included.

Migration Information


Backups for MeetUp that were previously configured and used in maintenance are no longer compatible. CoWork must be activated again in the configured backup.

It is recommended to create fresh backups before and after each update.

Changelog Information

  • In the channel list, members have an options menu that can be used to start a direct message or enter a mention in the input field. This is also possible via the context menu of a message.

Fixed Bugs

  • The admin user could not send a bot message if the user had no channel privileges. This was intended to be possible.
  • If i-net CoWork runs within an i-net HelpDesk installation, a new ticket with the content of the message can be created with a menu entry at a message.
  • In the Google Chrome browser, the system's idle detection can be activated in the settings. The "Your device use" permission must then be granted in order to use the detection.
  • Users can react to messages with emojis. The last five emojis are quickly accessible via the context menu.
  • The action "CoWork Online Status" of the Task Planner allows to change the status of the user by e.g. time triggers or CoWork commands.
  • Text files attached to messages get a preview with the first 10 lines. This can be expanded further to show up to 50KB of the file.
  • When pasting text into a new message, it will be added as an attachment if it is more than 4000 characters or 40 lines long.
  • Using the context menu, individual attachments of a message can be removed.
  • Horizontal lines and Markdown tables can be used in message texts.
  • The WebAPI returns reactions on messages and allows to toggle reactions for a logged in user.
  • The WebAPI returns an "Access Forbidden 403" status instead of "Access Denied 401" when a logged-in user does not have access to a team or channel.
  • The WebAPI allows to search for messages using the same syntax as the CoWork application.
  • Scrolling of the messages improved
  • The user's online status is displayed at the messages and at the suggestions for mentions. Displaying the status on the individual messages can be deactivated in the settings.
  • In the menu of a message the user and the time of the message are shown.
  • It is possible to reply to messages. The user of the quoted message is automatically mentioned and gets a notification about the reply.
  • Messages, channels and users for direct messages can be found via the global search bar
  • Management of members of teams and channels has been changed:
    • Formerly public channels (with no members specified) now have the "All Users" group as a member by default.
    • Teams and channels without members are no longer accessible to all users, now they can be accessed by no one
    • Channels can now be explicitly set to inherit members from the team. Alternatively, a custom selection can be made.
    • Groups no longer need to have CoWork permission explicitly set to be set for memberships. All groups are selectable.
  • Channels support uploading of custom icons
  • Videos will be played inline in the channel.
  • The color markers used to highlight new messages in channels can be set as follows: mentions only, all messages or completely disabled.
  • Using the "Copy Text" action in the context menu, the selected text or the entire text of a message can be copied.
  • In the "Emoji" dialog of the configuration interface, custom emoji can be added via SVG.
  • An extra page with details of logged-in users and created messages has been added for the diagnostic application. Other CoWork plugins can add additional information.
  • Automatic playback of gif animations and videos can be customized in the settings.
  • Links to web pages in messages additionally generate a preview with title, description and image if the web page contains appropriate Open Graph or Twitter metatags.
  • Added support for the creation of temporary meeting rooms.
  • Added support for emoji
  • Integrated idle detection with a configurable delay. Will switch from online to away when absent
  • A marker is now displayed to indicate new messages
  • CoWork reconnects to the server without reloading the whole page
  • The Task Planner trigger "CoWork Command" is able to split the parameters into single values to be referenced via placeholder in jobs and actions
  • Drafts are saved per channel and also synchronize across multiple devices
  • Links in messages can be copied via a click in the context menu
  • Smaller thumbnails are generated for images. Attachments are cached in the client for up to 30 days.
  • Improved focus handling for touch devices
  • Added link to the bottom of the message list to jump to the latest message with one click
  • Changed markdown editor to better support major browsers
  • Added Task Planner trigger to add CoWork commands that will execute a Task Planner task
  • Added Task Planner action to send a message in a specific channel
  • Redesign of members list in channel
  • Images can now be opened with a click as larger preview
  • Added badge to the task bar entry when there are unread messages
i-net CoWork
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