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Waiting QueueInactive

The following information is derived from the plugin description.

With the help of the waiting queue in CoWork, members can submit consultation requests to other users. These users are informed by notification and can view and manage the requests in a separate dialog.

In the options menu of the users or directly on messages, a queue number can be drawn for a consultation. The user is informed of the request by receiving a notification and can accept, move or remove it in a dialog. This dialog is also used to view the own waiting positions and remove their own requests.

In order for a request to be classified by the recipient, a topic must be specified. This description can also be taken from a message if the queue number is drawn in the menu of a message. In this case, the author of the message is also the recipient of the consultation request.

If a request is accepted by a user, the requester receives a notification and can jump to the corresponding channel and, if available, jump directly to the stored message. The entry in the queue is then removed and all other users move up one position.

Changelog Information

  • With the new CoWork function "Waiting queue", members can submit consultation requests to other users by drawing a waiting number. The requests can be viewed and managed in a separate dialog.
i-net CoWork
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Help - Waiting Queue