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The following information is derived from the plugin description.

Display information about the current server status, view and search through log files and run server benchmarks.

This includes information about the servers current memory consumption as well as memory consumption over time and details about the servers runtime environment - such as environment variables. If a log file is set up in the configuration, it can be viewed, filtered and downloaded from the Diagnostics application. The overview page also shows accumulated errors over time and provides a quick access into the details. The Benchmark page provides an insight of how the server performs and whether more memory or other metrics are required for smooth operation.

Changelog Information

  • The new Web Server Errors panel displays a graph of request errors logged by the server. All web server responses with a status code of 400 or higher are logged and displayed aggregated per day.
  • In the logging panel, the list of selectable threads has been reverse sorted. The log file can thus be filtered to the last up to 100 threads.

Fixed Bugs

  • Condition for free disk space returned the wrong boolean value.

Fixed Bugs

  • Condition for free disk space returned the wrong boolean value.
  • Added support for a memory dump when running with an OpenJ9 Java VM.

Fixed Bugs

  • Condition for free disk space returned the wrong boolean value.

Fixed Bugs

  • Condition for free disk space returned the wrong boolean value.
i-net CoWork
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Help - Diagnostics