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The following information is derived from the plugin description.

The Drive application is an intuitive, multipurpose file storage solution that integrates with many aspects of your server.

The security concept allows to easily share folders with other users and groups while retaining privacy to a users home directory - which not even an administrator has access to.

Drive can be used, e.g. by the Task Planner to dynamically store files. Using the i-net Clear Reports server, users can store their report files in Drive and directly render them in any available report format. The i-net PDFC application also makes use of Drive and lets users store their PDF files in it. Then they can directly run comparisions from the Drive application.

Drive requires an additional feature licence, but is already included free of charge with many other product licences.

Changelog Information

  • Added feature to mount external services like Google Drive, Dropbox or FTP into the servers Drive
  • Added feature to create links to folders. The links can have different permissions.
  • Structural adjustment of the internal data structure for performance optimisation
  • Added event log for drive operations

Fixed Bugs

  • Activating/deactivating plugins with file extension for Drive now updates the data for the search.
  • If the link had an FTP mount as the target, authorised users would not be able to access the content.
  • Files from the Drive that were opened in the file chooser can result in file not found errors.

Fixed Bugs

  • Sub-elements of paths were not updated when the parent element was renamed to reflect the new path.
i-net CoWork
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Help - Drive