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The following information is derived from the plugin description.

Maintenance center providing utilities to keep the server healthy, clean and fast.

This plugin includes tools for backing up the servers settings and data which can be scheduled using the Task Planner. Users can be mainted, cleared to adhere to GDPR. Cached search indexes and can be renewed in case of service interruptions and index corruptions. The servers program data directory can be moved to another location in case of low storage or performance issues. Moving the program data directory to a dedicated partition may also help applying company specific backup scenarios.

Changelog Information

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a potential error that could occur when deleting a user in the background while the user's data was being changed at the same time.
  • Fixed a potential error that could occur when attempting to reactivate or deactivate a user which had already been deleted.
  • Backups can be selected from the server, e.g. when they can not be uploaded in the web interface due to their size (>2GB).
  • When changing data of multiple users at once, custom user fields which accept multiple values can now be set to multiple values instead of only one as before.
  • The User Accounts section of the Maintenance application allows to deactivate multiple users at the same time.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a rare error that could occur when changing data of users on custom user fields whose keys were purely numbers.
  • The User Accounts section of Maintenance allows to set user data for multiple users at the same time. This can be helpful for when entire departments or groups of users have changed addresses or other information.
  • Problems with backup of large files from a database persistence (MongoDB, AzureCosmosDB) occurred
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Help - Maintenance