- Before irrevocably deleting a user, an dynamic overview is shown of which types of data are connected to this user and will be gone if the deletion is performed.
Users and GroupsInactive![](?method=store.icon&pid=usersandgroupsmanager&beta=false&version=)
The following information is derived from the plugin description.
The Users and Groups application is vital for the configuration of permissions and personal settings of users.
Here, groups of users can be set up and provided with permissions to functionalities of the application. Administrative users can easily get an insight of users data and allowances, their logins providers and effictive permissions. In addition users can be created, removed, locked or deactivated.
The Users and Groups application also provides the means for a user to inspect and modify their own, personal settings - such as first name, last name, email address, login information and so on. Every user can check out the data that is stored about them.
Changelog Information
- Added additional permission to read information from the Users and Groups Manager using the WebAPI. This allows read-only restricted access to search for users and return minimal information about them.
- Added Web API Extension for Users and Groups, that allows to search for either user or groups and display detail information about them.
- Added apply button to the edit dialog of a user or group. This allows to save the changes without closing the edit dialog.
- The avatar of users can be changed in the users and groups application with a click on the avatar image of the selected user
- Per URL parameter
search phrases can now be passed to Users and Groups in the web interface - A new warning message appears when removing the last group member in a sub-group which will inherit memberships
- In the preview it is possible to switch the view to show inherit entries for permissions, allowed actions and resources
- Added a new label to allowed actions and permissions that tells if it is granted and if it is inherit