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Tasks are activated by default which means that triggers defined for a task are able to start its execution automatically. Deactivated tasks can be only executed manually or by the Next Task action.

See also: /<TaskID>/deactivate

GET /api/taskplanner/<TaskID>/activate

Requests activation of the task.

Example Request

# Request:
# Use user:password for authorization
GET /api/taskplanner/4w8yavnk046debwrwkcg4dbqh/activate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
# Response - Task is activated
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: <CONTENT LENGTH>
# Request:
# Use user:password for authorization
GET /api/taskplanner/4w8yavnk046debwrwkcg4dbqh/activate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
# Response - Task does not exist
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: <CONTENT LENGTH>
  "error": "An answer could not be found: Task does not exist, taskID = 4w8yavnk046debwrwkcg4dbqh"

Application Example

# Browser access
# Shell access using curl
curl -LsH "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" ""
# Shell access using curl using username and password
curl -Lsu username:password ""
i-net CoWork
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Help - /<TaskID>/activate