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JSON representation of the result action

The following table contains description of result action definition which may be included in the JSON response of the command /<TaskID>.

Field Value Type Description Import / Execute
id string The ID of the result action type ✳️
properties object Settings of the result action ✳️
executionqualification string AT_LEAST_ONE_CONDITION_IS_FULFILLED - the Action will only be processed if there are one or more results with a valid condition - regardless of their type of data. It will then process only the results that have the matched condition and the respective type of data.
ALL_CONDITIONS_ARE_FULFILLED - the Action will only be processed if every job had results with a valid condition. The Action will be executed with every result of the supported type of data.
NO_CONDITION_IS_FULFILLED - the Action will only be executed if none of the jobs had results with a valid condition. The Action will be executed with every result of the supported type of data.
ALWAYS - the Action will always be executed, with any result, ignoring the state of the condition.

Import and Execute availability legend

  • ✳️ Required: has to be set in order to create a valid job
  • ✅ Optional: can be set or left out


  "id": "result.repository",
  "properties": {
    "repofolder": "repo:\/reports\/",
    "appenddate": "true"
  "executionqualification": "AT_LEAST_ONE_CONDITION_IS_FULFILLED"
  "id": "result.email",
  "properties": {
    "prop_message": "Notification about empty report",
    "prop_receiver": "mary@example.com",
    "prop_subject": "Task execution - Empty report",
    "prop_attach_files": "false"
  "executionqualification": "NO_CONDITION_IS_FULFILLED"
  "id": "result.print",
  "properties": {
    "printer": "Printer Name"
  "executionqualification": "ALL_CONDITIONS_ARE_FULFILLED"
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Help - JSON representation of the result action