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JSON representation of the task

The following table contains descriptions of the JSON response of the command /<TaskID>.

RESPONSE Fields Value Type Description Import / Execute
id string The globally unique ID of the task
name string The name of the task
description string The description of the task
owner string The name of the task's owner
ownerId number The accountId of the task's owner
active boolean True, if the task is active
status string INACTIVE if not active
RUNNING if the task is currently active
COMPLETED if the task is not currently active and has no errors
FAILURE if the last run produced an error
UNKNOWN if the task was never run
series null If the task does not contain definition of the series
object JSON representation of the series definition
triggers object array JSON representation of the trigger ✅ / ❌
jobs object array JSON representation of the job
resultactions object array JSON representation of the result action
nextexecution number 0, if time of the next execution could not be determined
Milliseconds between the next execution time of the task and Unix epoch1)
lastmodified number Milliseconds between the last modification time of the task and Unix epoch2)
history object array JSON representation of the execution history record

Import and Execute availability legend

  • ✅ Optional: can be set or left out
  • ❌ No applicable: Does not have any effect
1) , 2)
1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC
i-net CoWork
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Help - JSON representation of the task