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The Task Planner HTTP action allows to run an HTTP Request after a Job has completed. The action can be configured to use the following methods: GET, HEAD, POST, POST with multiple parts, PUT and DELETE.

The action calls the given URL for every File- or None- Result-Flavor1).

The methods for POST and PUT additionally allow the transition of File-flavor result data.

Task configuration

  • URL: The address to call. It can contain placeholders as well.
  • Method: The HTTP method to use for the request (see below).
  • Body Content to send: For methods PUT and POST you can define additional text content to be sent with the request. See below.
  • User: An optional user for Basic Authentication
  • Password: An optional password for Basic Authentication
  • JSON: A text area with optional JSON data to be sent with a request when using POST or PUT methods
  • Custom Body Content: A text area with optional Body Content to be sent with a request when using POST or PUT methods
  • Headers: Optional headers to be sent with the request

HTTP Methods

The supported HTTP methods are: GET, HEAD, POST, POST with multiple parts, PUT and DELETE.


The HTTP methods POST and PUT will send the received File-flavor result data along to allow file uploads. The URL will be called for every File-flavor result.

Note: If the JSON data field is set, it accounts for an individual File-flavor result and is sent in a separate request.

POST with multiple parts

The method POST with multiple parts will result in a single request to the given URL. The File-flavor results will be packed in a multipart/form-data container. Every file will be denoted by the form element name file[] to allow optimal integration into many back-ends.

Note: JSON-Data uses the element name json.

Body Content to send

This option can be defined with the following settings:

  • File results only, with one request per file result - POST only
    • Every File result will be sent in a separate request, without any additional data
  • File results only, in a single request - POST with multiple parts only
    • All File results will be sent in a single request, without any additional data
  • Custom Body Content - POST only
    • The Custom Body Content allows sending arbitrary data in a single request. No other file results will be sent.
  • File results with additional JSON file
    • Adds a separate File result which will be sent according to the method settings, either as separate file result request or as additional multipart.
Except for the POST with multiple parts
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Help - HTTP