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The IRC plugin offers an action to send task results to a specified channel of an IRC server using plain text messages. The action can be configured with a message that is to be sent to the channel, a quit Message for when the bot leaves the channel, and optionally whether to emit the text output of previous jobs.

Connection to the IRC server

The connection to the IRC server is established using the following properties in the configuration dialog:

  • Server: the hostname or IP at which the IRC server is available
  • Port: the port number where the IRC server can be reached at - only needed if it is not the standard port 6667
  • SSL: has to be enabled if the connection to the IRC server has to be encrypted
  • Server Password: enter the connection password here if the IRC server requires one

Bot and Channel details

The bot will connect to the IRC server using a user name and full name that can be specified using the following options:

  • Nickname: some servers only support a length of 9 characters. Additional characters will automatically be truncated by the server. Special characters like dots and white spaces may not be supported
  • Real Name: the name of the bot as it can be queried in the IRC channel
  • Channel: IRC channel to join by the bot after the connection to the server has been established. The task messages will only be written to this channel


The IRC Plugin can send just one message using the Start Message line or additional text content-type of data that has to be generated by the task jobs.

  • Start Message: the first line of text to write to the channel. If the task does not provide any further text, this will be the only message sent to the channel
  • Quit Message: the bot will leave the channel immediately after sending the messages and leave this note behind
  • Job Results: if enabled, the bot will send every line of text generated by a job of the task as a message to the channel.
    • Note: Jobs have to generate the text content-type of data or only the Start Message will be sent
    • Note: the IRC server may throttle the output if it is being sent too fast
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Help - IRC