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Microsoft Teams

The Microsoft Teams Task Planner action allows to define a "Card" and send it to a Teams channel. The action requires that the incoming webhook to a channel is set up by an administrative users using the configuration.

A Teams "Card" consists of a title and a subtitle. It can additionally contain a number of buttons that allow to navigation to given links.

The following options are available to configure the Microsoft Teams action:

  • Incoming Webhook Connection: The connection that was set up in the configuration.
  • Title: The title of the card
  • Subtitle: Additional text of the card
  • Action Button: A selection of Action Link or None.
    • Button Label: The text on the button of an Action Link
    • Button URL: The address to open when clicking the Action Link
    • It is possible to define multiple buttons. The last button is None.

Note: The Microsoft Teams action does not support sending file results.

Note: The Title and Subtitle support MarkDown, e.g. *italic*, **bold**, [i-net software GmbH](https://www.inetsoftware.de)

i-net CoWork
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