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Next Task

The Next Task Action will trigger another task. If the triggered task is already running, it will not be started again. The configuration dialog of the action offers the following option:

  • Follow-up task: list of tasks the current user has access to
  • Pass on placeholders: if checked, passes on all available placeholders to the next task. In that task, you can use the placeholders using the syntax {name of placeholder}, e.g. {ticket.subject}. The name of the placeholder can be obtained from the originating task.
  • Placeholder Name Prefix: the optional name prefix should be used to distinguish placeholders in the next task from placeholders of that task. For example, set myTask. as prefix. You can then access the placeholder using {myTask.ticket.subject}.

Note: the execution of Actions is performed without any particular order, so other actions may be executed after the follow-up task has been triggered. If a Next Task action is defined multiple times with the same follow-up task, it will still only be executed once.

Note: there is a mechanism to avoid an endlessly executing loop of tasks, that is: if the same task has been executed before, it will stop the execution. Loops should be avoided during the task configuration.

Note: You have to use curly brackets {} in the next task, not square brackets, to reference the placeholders.

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Help - Next Task