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A series can be based on a list of files in the file system or Drive using the Folder series. The configuration dialog offers the following options

  • Folder Path: the directory to list the files of. Subdirectories will not be included.
  • Filter for Filenames: an optional filtering pattern (default *.*) can be set. Multiple asterisks * can be used for unknown parts. The filtering will be applied to filenames only.
    • use *.pdf for all PDF files
    • use *.rpt for all Report files

Note: File system and Drive are only available as allowed by the user's system and file/directory permissions. The Server Administration permission is required for file system access.

Provided Placeholders

This Folder series provides the {filepath} placeholder. It will be available in all input fields of jobs and actions that support placeholders. It will translate into the absolute path of the file.

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Help - Folder