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Users and Groups

The Users and Groups Web API allows to search for and display detail information about users and groups in the i-net CoWork.

Requests have to be sent as HTTP requests with the scheme https://[HOST]:[PORT]/api/usersandgroups/[Command]. To access the Users and Groups Web API, a user has to have the required permissions - which have to be set in the Users and Groups application. All clients have to be authenticated in order to use the API.

Note: The Users and Groups Web API can be used only by users who have the Web API and Users and Groups permission set.

Important: Since these permissions allow a very broad access to the server, it is recommended to use the Token Authentication plugin and restrict the access token to Users and Groups only. It is also recommended to have a separate user who has no additional login provider available to further restrict access in any other way.


The Users and Groups Web API exposes the following features:

  • Search for Users and Groups using the same notation as in the Users and Groups application
  • Display detailed information about a User, including selected user fields
  • Display detailed information about a Group, including selected group fields


The following commands are available for the Users and Groups Web API:

Command Description
/groups Search for a group using a query
/groups/<GroupID> Display detailed information about the group
/users Search for a group using a query
/users/<UserID> Display detailed information about the user
i-net CoWork
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Help - Users and Groups