Channel Details
This is the request for details of a channel. In addition to the list command, administrative users receive the list of admin and member users in this channel. Existing channels can be updated using the admin context.
GET /api/cowork/admin/teams/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>
Returns the details of the given channel, denoted by the channelID
{ "channelId": "<ID of the channel>", "teamId": "<ID of the team>", "displayName": "<Name of the channel>", "description": "A description of the channel", "memberGroupIDs": [ "<GUID>", ... ], "memberUserIDs": [ "<GUID>", ... ], "membersInherited": TRUE|FALSE }
RESPONSE Fields | Value Type | Description |
channelId | String | The GUID of the channel, used for details and further operations |
teamId | String | The GUID of the team this channel is associated with |
displayName | String | The display name value of the channel, as displayed in the interface |
description | String | A description of the channel |
memberGroupIDs | List of Strings | Optional list of group IDs derived from the Users and Groups manager to allow access to the channel for. Only user in these groups will be able to join this channel. |
memberUserIDs | List of Strings | Optional list of user IDs derived from the Users and Groups manager to allow access to the channel for. Only these user will be able to join this channel. The field is only returned when requested by an admin using /api/cowork/admin/teams/<teamID>/channels/<channelID> |
membersInherited | Boolean | Optional TRUE, if the channel should inherit the members of the team. Setting the memberGroupIDs and memberUserIDs has no effect. FALSE if the channel should be set up with specific memberships. |
Example Request
# Request # Use user:password for authorization GET /api/cowork/admin/teams/3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt/channels/3y8kdto0lnx3ig3mshwvrb9x7 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u # Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "channelId": "3y8kdto0lnx3ig3mshwvrb9x7", "teamId": "3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt", "displayName": "Third Channel", "description": "", "memberGroupIDs": [], "memberUserIDs": [], "membersInherited": true, }
Note: A channel without member groups or member users derives the members from the team. If the team does no declare member users or groups, the channel is available to every user with the CoWork
POST /api/cowork/admin/team/<teamID>/channels/<channelID> and PUT /api/cowork/admin/team/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>
Update the given channel with new information.
{ "displayName": "<Name of the channel>", "description": "A description of the channel", "memberGroupIDs": [ "<GUID>", ... ], "memberUserIDs": [ "<GUID>", ... ], "membersInherited": TRUE|FALSE }
REQUEST Fields | Value Type | Description |
displayName | String | The display name value of the channel, as displayed in the interface |
description | String | A description of the channel |
memberGroupIDs | List of Strings | Optional list of group IDs derived from the Users and Groups manager to allow access to the channel for. Only user in these groups will be able to join this channel. |
memberUserIDs | List of Strings | Optional list of user IDs derived from the Users and Groups manager to allow access to the channel for. Only these user will be able to join this channel. |
membersInherited | Boolean | Optional TRUE, if the channel should inherit the members of the team. Setting the memberGroupIDs and memberUserIDs has no effect. FALSE if the channel should be set up with specific memberships. |
Note: updating a channel requires administrative access using the context /api/cowork/admin/team/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>
Example Request
# Request # Use user:password for authorization POST /api/cowork/admin/teams/3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt/channels/3y8kdto0lnx3ig3mshwvrb9x7 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u {"displayName":"Third Channel","description":"This is the third channel","memberUserIDs":["truwwug9g9nyfgn7emwbty1n3"]} # Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "channelId": "3y8kdto0lnx3ig3mshwvrb9x7", "teamId": "3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt", "displayName": "Third channel", "description": "This is the third channel", "memberGroupIDs": [], "memberUserIDs": ["truwwug9g9nyfgn7emwbty1n3"], "membersInherited": false }
Note: The request has to contain a fully configured channel. If, e.g. adding a member user, you have to send the list of previous member users, as well as all other configured fields or they will be saved with empty values.
DELETE /api/cowork/admin/team/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>
Removes a channel from CoWork if admin access is available. The response will be a 204
status on success with no additional response data.
Example Request
# Request # Use user:password for authorization DELETE /api/cowork/admin/teams/3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt/channels/3y8kdto0lnx3ig3mshwvrb9x7 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u # Response HTTP/1.1 204 OK