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Returns the currently running calls in the channel. The response is a list of ongoing call states. A call state is essentially a media connection of a browser, e.g. a voice call or screen share.

GET /api/cowork/teams/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>/calls

Returns the currently running calls of the selected channel.

        "userId":      "<GUID of the user who is running the call>",
        "displayName": "<The display name of the user who is running the call>",
        "clientId":    "<The id of the connected client running the call>",
        "media":       "<The media type: camera or screenX>",
        "muted":       "<True, if muted>",
        "silent":      "<True, if client is silenced>",
        "video":       "<True, if client has a video stream active (e.g. webcam)>",
        "handUp":      "<True, if the hand is up>"
RESPONSE Field Value Type Description
userID String The GUID of the user who runs the call
displayName String The display name of the user, visible in CoWork
clientId String The ID of the client from which the call was initiated. The ID is unique for every browser instance and tab
media String The type of media this stream is using. Can be either camera (even if only audio is running) or screenX with X being a number counted up.
muted Boolean True, if the user is muted, false otherwise
silent Boolean True, if the user disabled sound output, false otherwise
video Boolean True, if the user has a video like a webcam active, false otherwise
handUp Boolean True, if the user raised a hand, false otherwise

Note: An empty list is returned, without an ongoing call.

Example Request

# Request
# Use user:password for authorization
GET /api/cowork/teams/3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt/channels/3y8kdto0lnx3ig3mshwvrb9x7/calls HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
        "userId": "51hsegfzptqm6z3q8c6qkad7a",
        "displayName": "Jane Doe",
        "clientId": "cowork-390e29ba-fe73-4dd0-affc-b78ea328769b",
        "media": "camera",
        "muted": true,
        "silent": false,
        "video": false,
        "handUp": false
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