{{getMsg('Help_YouAreHere')}}: {{page.title}} {{page.title}}
{{$root.getMsg("downLoadHelpAsPdf")}} {{helpModel.downloadHelpPdfDataStatus}}

Message Details

Request the details of a message in a channel. The response contains the text as well as an attachment overview. The message text can be either formatted as HTML or returned as plain text.

GET /api/cowork/teams/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>/messages/<messageID>

Returns the message using the following form:

    "id":          "<ID of the message>",
    "created":     <timestamp of creation date and time>,
    "modified":    <timestamp of modification date and time>,
    "userId":      "<GUID of user who wrote the message>",
    "attachments": [
            "id":         "<GUID of attachment>",
            "name":       "<Name of attachment file>",
            "properties": { <Map of attachment properties> }
    "reactions": {
        "<Emoji short name>" : [
                "userId": "<The users GUID>",
                "timestamp": <Timestamp>
RESPONSE Fields Value Type Description
id String The GUID of the message, used for details and further operations
created Number The timestamp of the creation date and time of the message
modified Number The timestamp of the modification date and time of the message
userId String the GUID of the user who created the message
attachments List List of attachment information
attachments.id String the GUID of the attachment
attachments.name String the file name of the attachment
attachments.properties Map A key / value map of additional properties
reactions Map Map of reaction information
reactions."<Emoji short name>" String The short name of a reaction as key, with a list users and timestamps who gave the reaction
reactions.userId String The GUID of a user, who gave the reaction
reactions.timestamp Long The timestamp, when the reaction was given by the user.

Parameter: format

The parameter format=html enables you to return the message text rendered as HTML instead of plain text including raw Markdown.

Example Request

# Request
# Use user:password for authorization
GET /api/cowork/teams/3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt/channels/epmlsh7trr535mrs9z7xcfn1w/messages/00kunwmi6kgxy4j5qmft7uz0y HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "id": "00kunwmi6kgxy4j5qmft7uz0y",
    "text": "This is the message text",
    "created": 1634031935796,
    "modified": 1634031935796,
    "userId": "sys02qmoxwlwprnnovhrxtx7n",
    "attachments": [ {
        "id": "00kunwoaknjy4vca8c7cukxdo",
        "name": "what an image.gif",
        "properties" : [
    } ],
    "reactions": []

POST /api/cowork/teams/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>/messages/<messageID> and PUT /api/cowork/teams/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>/messages/<messageID>

Send a message update using the following JSON. The response is a the updated message.

    "text":        "<The text to send to the channel>",
    "attachments": [ <attachment descriptions> ]
REQUEST Fields Value Type Description
text String The optional text message to send to the channel
attachments String Optional list of attachments to send along with the message. See Attachment Description

Note: Only the text field is allowed.

Note: Only the original message creator is allowed to modify the text.

Example Request

# Request
# Use bearer token for authorization
POST /api/cowork/teams/3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt/channels/3y8kdto0lnx3ig3mshwvrb9x7 /messages/00kunwmi6kgxy4j5qmft7uz0y HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
{"text":"Hey there."}
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "id": "00kunwfaycw5sqp8gc8kc0jms",
    "text": "Hey there",
    "created": 1634031935796,
    "modified": 1634031935796,
    "userId": "sys02qmoxwlwprnnovhrxtx7n",
    "attachments": [],
    "reactions": []

Attachment Description

Attachments can be sent using a Multipart request to the API. They have to accompanied by the JSON definition or they will be discarded.

Your JSON part has to define the attachment in the following way:

    "name":           "filename.ext",
    "lastModified":   <Datetime>,
    "attachmentType": <AttachmentType>,
    "previewWidth":   <Number>,
    "previewHeight":  <Number>
REQUEST Fields Value Type Description
name String The name of the file
lastModified Datetime The date time in milliseconds
attachmentType AttachmentType This value is optional. One of the following values:
previewWidth Number An optional preview width size in pixels
previewHeight Number An optional preview height size in pixels

Note: If you are sending attachments to the server, you have to use a multipart/form-data content type. Each part has to have a specific name: json for the part containing the message JSON; attachmentX for every additional attachment, where X is a number starting at 0.

# cURL example
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  --form 'json={"text":"Hi there","attachments":[{"name":"first image.jpg","lastModified":1680774451041,"attachmentType":"Unknown","previewWidth":100,"previewHeight":100},{"name":"second image.jpg","lastModified":1680774451041,"attachmentType":"Unknown","previewWidth":100,"previewHeight":100}]}' \
  --form attachment0=@/Users/dev/Downloads/image1.jpg \
  --form attachment1=@/Users/dev/Downloads/image2.jpg

DELETE /api/cowork/teams/<teamID>/channels/<channelID>/messages/<messageID>

Delete the message and return with a status 200 message if the operation was successful.

Example Request

# Request
# Use bearer token for authorization
DELETE /api/cowork/teams/3n1ytbwme7ngfyn9g9guwwurt/channels/3y8kdto0lnx3ig3mshwvrb9x7 /messages/00kunwmi6kgxy4j5qmft7uz0y HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
i-net CoWork
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Help - /messages/<messageID>