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Direct Messages

Direct messages are treated as a special form of a team, and are sent in individual channels, restricted to two users. Calling the context /api/cowork/teams/directmessages lists all open direct message channels of the user. The response is analogous to the channels request. Messages of a channel are requested using the regular messages request API.

Direct message channels remain persisted until both members have left the channel.

GET /api/cowork/teams/directmessages

Returns a list of direct message channels available to the user in the following form:

        "channelId":   "<ID of the channel>",
        "teamId":      "<ID of the channel>",
        "displayName": "<Name of the channel>",
        "description": "<Description of the channel>"
RESPONSE Fields Value Type Description
channelId String The GUID of the channel, used for details and further operations
teamId String The GUID of the team, used to address this channel in the regular /api/cowork/teams/<teamID> context
displayName String The display name value of the channel, as displayed in the interface
description String The channel description
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