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The Join handler allows to join a call in a channel. The following restrictions apply:

  • A screen share can always be started
  • If there is an ongoing audio call, neither audio nor video can additionally be joined.
  • A video can be toggled only using the Video handler.

The request must be done using POST. The response is the same as in the /calls request, returning the modified connections.

POST /api/cowork/user/calls/join

Joins a user to a call in a channel, either by audio, video or screen share. Joining via video implies joining via audio.

    "channelId":        "<GUID of the channel where the call should be started>",
    "clientId":         "<GUID of the client that should start the call>",
    "joinType":         "<The type of the call to join>",
REQUEST Field Value Type Description
channelId String (optional) The GUID of a channel where the call should be started
clientId String (optional) The GUID of a client that should start the call
joinType String (optional) The type of the call to join, must be one of: AUDIO, VIDEO, or SCREEN (lowercase is also allowed)

Note: It is possible, to not set the channelId to let the server decide which client instance will connect the call. The following rules apply: The user must have a browser session open in any channel. If the user has multiple clients connected to the server, the client which had the most recent interaction with the will be connected.

Note: It is possible, to not set the clientId to let the server decide which client instance will connect the call. The following rules apply: The user must have a browser session open in any channel. The user must have access to the given channel. If the user has multiple clients connected to the server, the client which currently has the channel open or had the most recent interaction with the will be connected.

Note: Joining a call will most likely result in the browser asking for either permission, or in case of a screen share for the screen to share.

Example Request

# Request
# Use user:password for authorization
POST /api/cowork/user/calls/video HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
    "clientId": "cowork-390e29ba-fe73-4dd0-affc-b78ea328769b",
    "joinType": "audio"
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
        "userId": "51hsegfzptqm6z3q8c6qkad7a",
        "displayName": "Jane Doe",
        "clientId": "cowork-390e29ba-fe73-4dd0-affc-b78ea328769b",
        "media": "camera",
        "muted": false,
        "silent": false,
        "video": false,
        "handUp": false
i-net CoWork
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Help - /join