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Raise Hand

The Raise Hand handler allows the raise or lower the hand of an ongoing call. The request must be done using POST. The response is the same as in the /calls request, returning the modified connections.

POST /api/cowork/user/calls/raise

Raises or lowers the hand and returns the currently running calls of the current user.

    "raise":            "<True, if the hand should be raised>",
    "clients": [
            "clientId": "<GUID of the client that should be modified>",
            "media":    "<The media type of the connection that should be modified.>"
REQUEST Field Value Type Description
raise Boolean (optional) True, if the users hand should be raised.
clientId String The GUID of a client to modify, e.g. if multiple clients of a user are online
media String (optional) The media type of the connection to modify, can be either camera (also for audio-only connections) or screenX with X being a number

Note: the clients field is optional. Optional fields can be omitted and will not change the current state.

Example Request

# Request
# Use user:password for authorization
POST /api/cowork/user/calls/raise HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGEgZGVtbyBhY2Nlc3MgdG9rZW4u
    "raise": true
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
        "teamId": "z1hc4tcuiitho9g37x3rbcjj2",
        "channelId": "x67aca5q3kvwyhebed0tey5ab",
        "states": [
                "userId": "51hsegfzptqm6z3q8c6qkad7a",
                "displayName": "Jane Doe",
                "clientId": "cowork-390e29ba-fe73-4dd0-affc-b78ea328769b",
                "media": "camera",
                "muted": true,
                "silent": false,
                "video": false,
                "handUp": false
i-net CoWork
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