The Processing category refers to settings of the i-net HelpDesk that accompany various aspects around handling the ticket processing interfaces and define the behavior.
Basic, general settings.
Improved Multi-Tenancy
A supporter can normally select any user from the i-net HelpDesk database from the list Who is affected? when opening a ticket. In a multi-tenancy deployment, it is often desired that supporters in First Level of client A do not see the users assigned to clients B and C.
This restriction is set here. The following values are available:
All users visible - no multi-tenancy.
Show only users from own location/customer designation - clients are defined based on Locations / Customers
Show only users from the same User Class - clients are defined based on the User Class. This includes all users of which the resource employee is the supervisor and users who are assigned to the same User Class.
To make sure the multi-tenancy option meets your needs, please also read check our guide.
Note: Setting applies to users with access to resources - without permission as dispatcher and without permission to the application Users and Groups.
End User
Settings for end users.
Show last editor names
If activated, the name of the processor/user is displayed for each processing step.
Ticket Visibility for End Users Starting at Ticket Number
This option sets the visibility of tickets for end users to a ticket number. If a ticket number is entered here, end users will no longer be able to view tickets below this number.
Ticket Bundles
The Bundle tickets... option restricts the conditions under which tickets may be linked to each other. The following options are available:
... only if location/customer is same
... only if owner is same
... only if owner's email domain is same
... always
Note: If bundling multiple tickets is basically possible but restricted by this option, the bundle selection in the menu will be disabled in the ticket list - but remains visible.
Settings that affect resources.
Contents can be edited after closing a ticket
Provides the option of editing tickets that have already been closed. Often useful when these tickets need to be revised in terms of content. Otherwise, editing the ticket would only be possible by reactivating the task.
The following options are available:
None - nothing can be changed after a ticket is closed. (default)
Texts and attachments - all texts of the steps and attachments can be changed.
Texts, attachments and fields - all texts, attachments and fields, i.e. subject, can be changed.
Note: This option only affects closed tickets, not deleted tickets. Deleted tickets cannot be changed afterward.
Reactivating a ticket recomputes the deadline
Covers the case that the support has met the deadline of a ticket and has finished the ticket, but the customer then only gets in touch after a longer period of time with a note that leads to the reactivation of the ticket and thus to the non-observance of the deadline. Support cannot be held responsible for the customer's delay. The deadline is recalculated from the date of the customer response.
If the support reactivates the ticket, the deadline will be recalculated from that point. (for customer phone-support where the supporter reactivates the ticket)
Note: The deadline will only be recalculated if the ticket is authorized and a deadline has been set via the priority. Otherwise, the deadline will be removed from the ticket.
Changing a ticket priority resets the deadline, based on the authorization date
Especially if the deadline was set automatically based on the priority when the ticket was created, it may turn out after an initial analysis that the set priority is not applicable and should be changed. However, the new deadline is still directly related to the ticket authorization date.
Note: The deadline will be reset even if the ticket did not have a deadline before.
Auto-link tickets when splitting them
The 'Link' function is used when independent tickets are to remain existing, but the orders are related in terms of content. Examples of automatic linking in i-net HelpDesk are the ITIL link and the link between a workflow main order and its workflow subtasks.
Show requests with the "reminder" status in "Open Requests"
Certain open tickets are given the 'Resubmission' status, for example when following up on contracts before their expiration date. In the view of 'Open orders', these tickets are often not desired. This checkbox can be used to change the behavior and hide tickets with the status 'Resubmission' from the list of 'Open orders'.
Specifying effort for new editing steps
Stating the effort of an editing is interesting if the support provided has to be recorded in terms of time and invoiced. The following options are available for this purpose:
Required: The time spent must be specified.
Optional: The time spent can be specified, but is not mandatory.
Hidden: The field for entering the time effort is not displayed.
Effort can be changed afterward
Normally, it is no longer possible to change the effort recorded by a support agent in i-net HelpDesk once a processing step has been performed. With this option, however, support agents can still adjust the effort of an editing step later. Please note that Editing closed tickets must be allowed for texts, attachments and fields if necessary.
This makes sense, for example, if the stopwatch function is used and corrections to the automatically created times become necessary more often.
Note: The effort can not be changed if the field for entering the effort has been set to Hidden.
Can create new users when creating or editing tickets
With active checkbox supporters can create new users when creating new tickets or edit the details of existing tickets. No extra permission is required.
The Default Values are used to specify how certain ticket fields should behave when no other rules apply to them.
For most of the fields, the default value can be configured in Ticket fields dialog.
Reactivation time of closed tickets
Defines the number of days within which an already closed ticket is automatically reactivated (default 14 days).
Occasions for reactivation:
User enters an addition/comment in the browser to an already closed ticket.
User replies with an email to a ticket that has already been closed. The i-net HelpDesk recognizes the corresponding ticket through the ticket ID in the subject.
Hint: Exactly the specified number of days the ticket can be reactivated after the ticket was closed (no full days)
"Send and Close" ticket after
The "Send and Finish in" function allows sending an email response to the end user, which in the understanding of the resource person solves the problem or the order of the ticket. If the end user does not respond to this email, then the ticket is automatically closed (by default) after 14 days.
A ticket answered using this mechanism remains with the open tickets until the set auto-termination time and will be given the status "Auto-Termination" .
If the status of the ticket is changed before the set time expires, it will not be closed automatically.
For the calculation of the time, the system creates an "Automatic-Termination" editing step. This allows the supporter - or the system - to make additional modifications to the ticket without changing the status of the ticket and without the time for automatic termination being postponed.
The option "Send and finish in" can be used to change the number of days until automatic termination. The setting applies globally to all supporters.
Note: The action is selected after composing an email response from the drop-down list at the top of the "Send" button: "Send and end in 14 days (without changes)".
Note: Unlike the "Send and finish" option, the end user will receive an automatic mail about the termination if configured.
"Resubmission" in
Sets the number of days to use as the default value for a resubmission.
The initial value is seven days.
Font name and size
Sets the default font and size for HTML text. The suggested fonts are read from the server on which the i-net HelpDesk Server is running.
Note: Special case "Signature in email replies" dialog. In this case, please note the formatting of the text block set as signature.
Use plain text for new steps
New editing steps in the ticket are created in plain text format.
Note: Special case email communication. If an HTML email creates a new ticket and the supporter clicks the "Reply" button in this ticket, the reply is also written in HTML format.
Ticket Start ID
With this, the ID of new tickets can be increased, useful when it is not desired to start with 0 or small numbers.
Note: You cannot go backwards with this. It has no effect, setting 0 here when already having tickets with ID 1,000. New tickets will always get higher IDs than previous tickets, so a left-out range cannot be refilled. As a workaround, you could physically delete all tickets with a higher ID in the maintenance module, then decrease the Ticket Start ID value here and then restart the server. Afterwards, new tickets will again get IDs starting at the configured one.