Type description for auto-emails

The type-description is passed to the JavaScript with the typedescription field. The following "description in the JavaScript file" can then be used for custom logics.

The "description in the configuration" of the fields can be found under Configuration > Communication > Auto-Email.

The "Email templates short name" is a direct link from the definition of the Email templates to the Auto-Email, respectively the JavaScript files. The short name is used by default as the template name (templatename in JavaScript) for the individual events.

Name in configuration Name in JavaScript file Email templates short name
Auto-Emails to Resource when... 1)
Authorization of an inquiry New Order Resource [autorisierenres]
Email arrives to an existing ticket New Mail [maileingangres]
Reminder time has passed Reminder [vorlage]
An existing ticket is forwarded Manual Escalation [manueskares]
Auto-escalation warning level reaches "yellow" Escalation threshold yellow [warning]
Auto-escalation warning level reaches "red" Escalation threshold red [warning]
An existing ticket is automatically escalated Automatic Escalation [autoeskares]
Deadline warning level reaches "yellow" Deadline threshold yellow [warning]'
Deadline warning level reaches "red" Deadline threshold red [warning]
Deadline has passed Deadline expired [automahn]
Auto-Emails to Dispatchers when...
Inquiry of a user New Request Dispatcher [anfrage]
Email arrives to an existing inquiry New Mail [maileingangdisp]
An existing ticket is forwarded Manual Escalation [manueskadisp]
An existing ticket is automatically escalated Automatic Escalation [autoeskadisp]
Deadline has passed Deadline expired [automahn]
Auto-Emails to Users when...
Authorization of an inquiry New Order User [autorisierenuser]
Ticket is closed Order finished [beenden]
Inquiry is created via email IMAP new Order no default template
Email values without configuration
Error message to user Error Message [error]'
An e-mail loop was detected (dispatcher/resource) Loop Error Message [loop-error]
Change of ITIL link of a ticket New Problem Link [newincident]
New Tickets Not Allowed Only Existing Tickets Allowed [nonewticket]
Sending a custom email Triggered Mail no default template

Type of emails to be sent

Sending emails to specific groups of people from JavaScript triggers is always done with a specific send type. This is provided as a totyp field in the trigger's data.

ToType value description
user Email to be sent to the ticket-owner
resource Email is to be sent to the processing resource
dispatcher Email is to be sent to the dispatcher who authorized this ticket
alldispatchers Email should be sent to all i-net HelpDesk users with the permission of a dispatcher
others Email is to be sent, but the recipient group is unspecified

Example: In some cases, there is no "escalation resource" to which a ticket is passed on if it is not processed. Instead, the ticket stays with the resource. Nevertheless, the status should be changed when not processed. In addition, the resource is to be informed via auto-email. The status change can be set up by creating an additional status in the Configuration > Ticket > Status as well as the reference to it in the Configuration > General > Tickets. The sending of the auto-email is realized by the following script:

function checkData(table, out){
    // The template set to use
    // The language to use.
    // "autoeskares.txt" -> the template with the short name "autoeskares"
    // is send in the format "txt". The format could also be "html"	  
function getStatus(){
    return [111]; // status required in ticket to run trigger
For "Users and Groups", at least one recipient address must be included in the "Email" field for the respective resource.

Help - Type description for auto-emails

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