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Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings dialog offers options for setting the behavior of this process and its parallel tickets. Use these options to customize the process handling to your specific requirements in terms of process modifiability and the availability of parallel tickets to other resource members.

Modifiable in Tickets

By default, processes are fixed in their behavior to match company guidelines. However, you can allow supporter users to modify a process instance before applying it to a ticket. This action does not change the process as defined in the configuration. The following options are available:

  • Processes are not modifiable when used in tickets: The default behavior for processes is that they cannot be modified by supporters when starting them on tickets. This option ensures that a process must be followed as defined by, for example, company guidelines.
  • Processes can be modified when used in tickets: Processes can be modified by supporters before applying them to a ticket. This option makes sense when using processes as modifiable templates intended to be changed during usage.

Note: This option is disabled if the process is customized while applying to a ticket.

Sharing for Resource Members

By default, tickets can be viewed only by users with the appropriate permissions or memberships in the current resource. However, by setting the sharing options, you can allow access to tickets for all members of the resources involved in a process. This means that users with memberships in resources that could potentially have access to a ticket created by the process or the main ticket in the future are immediately given read or write access to the main ticket and all its parallel tickets. The following options can be used:

  • No additional sharing: By default, tickets are not shared with additional resource members, except for those who have access via the current ticket resource or other global settings that allow a user to read or modify all tickets.
  • All involved resource members have read access to all tickets of the process: the main ticket and its parallel tickets can be read by all resource members potentially involved in a process. This means that a user whose resource is defined at any point in the process will immediately have read access to any ticket in the process.
  • All involved resource members have read and write access to all tickets of the process: the main ticket and its parallel tickets can be read and modified by all resource contributors potentially involved in a process. This means that a user whose resource is defined at any point in the process will have immediate read and write access to any ticket in the process.

Note: If a process is being shared with other team members, the dialog will show the resources that are defined in the process and thus part of the share.

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