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Set Action of the Connection

This dialog is used to specify which action is used to transition to the subsequent activity. Optionally, a name for this action is stored, which will be displayed to the supporter as the action name during ticket editing.

Both the actions that have been set as permissible in the activity and the connection action will be displayed to the user during ticket processing. The special feature of the connection action is that it triggers the transition from one activity to the next when executed. The tasks of the new activity are now to be processed.

Note: Process activities can also be automatically switched on. This is the case, for example, if the action Receive email or Reactivate order were selected as the connection.

Important: In general, only actions that the user is actually allowed to perform can be displayed in ticket editing. This also applies to the connection actions, which is only displayed in addition to the already allowed actions if the current user is allowed to use them. For example, the Advance Process (Prozess Weiterschalten) action may only be used by supporters, not by end users.

Extended conditions

If parallel tickets have been defined in the process, additional conditions can be set as triggers for the connection.

Conditions that can be selected are:

  • All tickets completed: All parallel tickets have been finished
  • Ticket done: A ticket to be selected has been finished
  • Activity reached: The selected activity has been reached.
  • Activity left: The selected activity has been exited.

The check of the conditions can be set to Strict, as well as Relaxed. The following applies:

  • Strict: The selected condition must be reached as set.
  • Relaxed: The selected condition can be overridden if it can no longer be reached by the process.

Note: In case of Activity reached and Activity left, if the process is currently in an activity that is after the selected activity, the condition also evaluates to true.

Example: A parallel ticket is finished before it reaches a specified activity. With the Lax selection, the condition to reach the specified activity is considered fulfilled, since it can no longer be reached. With the selection Strict this is not possible.

Optional editing text

The optional editing text is entered in the editing step that the action generates when it has been executed by fulfilling the conditions.

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Help - Set Action of the Connection