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User Mapping

If you decide to map assets to users during the import, you have to ensure that each asset can unambiguously be mapped to an existing user. So to import assets, it is required that a user with the same name already exists in the i-net HelpDesk. The import does not create new users.

Users can be real persons or dummy users, such as "storage". The mapping is done with the username which is always unique. The username in i-net HelpDesk refers to the Login ID of the user. You can create your own Login IDs in the Users and Groups Manager if required - or, if you are using the User Import, then imported user accounts will have the login type "Windows Authentication" and the corresponding Windows ID as their login ID.

The mapping of the username in the external data source and the username in the i-net HelpDesk can be achieved in the following two ways:

  • Direct Mapping: The selected data source already contains an entry with the i-net HelpDesk username. Typically, your database-admin created a View on the SQL-Database of your Inventory-software, which contains all required fields including the username. You can simply select the data source field in the user mapping.
  • Indirect mapping: If the username is not contained in the asset data source, then you can connect a third related source to it. Depending on your data source, you have to either select The username is in another table or The username is in a different class.

Indirect Mapping with Database

If you're using a database connection, you can select a separate data source - table or query - to import the connected users from. To make this work, it is required to have a matching identifier in the table that contains the assets and in the table containing the users:

  • Referencing column from '<ASSET TABLE NAME>': A database table column in the source <ASSET TABLE NAME> that will be used to map the user data to another database table.
  • Table that contains the user: A database table that contains the actual user data.
  • Referenced column from '<USER TABLE NAME>': A database table column in the source <USER TABLE NAME> that can be mapped with the referencing table name.
  • Column with the username from '<USER TABLE NAME>': A database table column in the source <USER TABLE NAME> that contains the username, which will be set on the asset.

Note: You can still only use one database connection. Both sources, for assets and for users, must reside in the same connection.

Indirect Mapping with LDAP

If you're using an LDAP connection, you can select a separate data class to import the connected users from. The prerequisites are the same, as above:

  • Referencing attribute from '<ASSET OBJECT CLASS>': An attribute in the source <ASSET OBJECT CLASS> that will be used to map the user data to another object class.
  • Object class that contains the user: An object class in the source that contains the actual user data.
  • Referenced attribute from '<USER OBJECT CLASS>': An attribute in the source <USER OBJECT CLASS> that can be mapped with the referencing object class.
  • Attribute with the username from '<USER OBJECT CLASS>': An attribute in the source <USER OBJECT CLASS> that contains the username, which will be set on the asset.

Note: You can still only use one LDAP connection. Both source object classes, for assets and for users, must reside in the same connection.

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Help - User Mapping