Create From Quick-Ticket
A job to create a new ticket using the selected Quick-Ticket. The ticket owner of the newly created Quick-Ticket is the user who created the task in the Task Planner. The following Parameters can be set:
Quick-Ticket: the definition to base the new ticket on. Every setting will be forward to the newly created ticket.
Subject: the subject of the new ticket. The subject of the selected Quick-Ticket will be used if left empty
Note: You can use multiple instances of the Quick-Ticket job to create a series of new tickets. Using the {ticket id}
placeholder in subsequent ticket actions, each ticket action is run for every created Ticket ID.
Quick-Tickets can be used when standard processes are to be carried out.
Example: With a new ticket to the resource Network Administrator
, a Quick-Ticket Check Hardware
is started. This Quick-Ticket contains the steps for an initial check of the hardware.