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Order by Summary


In this dialog you can specify the sort order by using summary functions. You can use this feature for reports which should show only the groups with the top or bottom values.

First you need to create a summary field. It should summarize the value used for top or bottom criteria and it must be grouped by the group name field which you want to use for top or bottom sorting. Open the group dialog and the group to order. Then choose "Order By Summary" from the combo box and click the "option" button below to open the order-by-summary dialog. To create a summary sort order you have to specify the following options:

Summary Field  the value of this summary will be used for sorting.
Sort Type  you can choose whether top, bottom or all records should be shown
Sort Order  choose ascending or descending order
N  enter the number of groups you want to display

After that, choose what should happen to the others.

Discard others

Select this option if you do not want to print the 'Others' in the groups for your report.

Create one "others" group

Select this option and enter a name if you want to put all unselected fields in one group. The default name
for this group is "Other".

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - Order by summary