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Crosstab Properties - Global Options

On this tab you can change the global settings for the rows, columns or labels of the crosstab.

Suppress if Empty

Activate the "Suppress if Empty" check box to suppress empty rows or columns.

Suppress Grand Total

Activate the Suppress Grand Total check box to suppress grand total row or column.

Totals on Top/Left

Activate this option to move total row to the top or total column to the left of the crosstab.

Repeat Labels

Activate this option to repeat the row or column labels for each report page.

Indent Labels

Indents the row or column labels by the given value.

Total Row/Column Background

Set the background color of the total row or column.

Arrange stacked

Activate this option to arrange the summaries one above the other.

Arrange side by side

Activate this option to arrange the summaries side by side.

Vertical Wrap

Activate/Deactivate wrapping of small crosstabs if their width is greater than the page width. If the wrapping is deactivated the crosstab will be split and the parts will be placed on additional page. If it is activated these parts will be put below the crosstab on the same page. The default value is: Activated.

Show Cell Margins

Activate this option to use the set cell margins. If it is activated, then it is possible to set the horizontal and vertical margins.

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - Global Options