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Crosstab Properties - Grid Lines

In this tab you can format the different crosstab lines. That means changing style, color and line width. Choose the line to edit from list or select it in preview area. Then edit line format using the drop down fields for style, color and line width. Save your changes by pressing the 'OK' button or leave the dialogue by 'Cancel'.

Note, that the line format preview is only schematic!

Watch out for line dependencies! If you change specific lines, there may be automatic changes on dependent lines. In detail:

  • Line width of dashed, dotted or double lines is fixed to be 1, so the dependent line width will be reset to this width.
  • Dependent lines must have same width, so if you change width of a single line a dependent single line will set to same width.
  • If you change width of a single line and the dependent line is a double, dashed or dotted, so the line style of both lines will be single with same new width.

Setting color is free for all line types.

There are the following pairs of dependent lines:

  • row labels / cells horizontal lines
  • row labels top border / column labels bottom border
  • row labels / cells bottom border
  • row labels right border / column labels left border
  • column labels / cells vertical lines
  • column labels / cells right border
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