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Formatting Properties


System Default

Using the systems default for number or date format.

Number / Currency / Percent

Decimal Places

Sets the number of decimal places.

Use Thousands Seperator

Enable or disable the thousands seperator.


Change the representation of negative values.


Change the abbreviation for values, e.g. thousands shown as k.

Preview Value

You can enter a custom preview value.


Shows the current number format.

Note: By using the percent number format to show the values on the chart item (e.g. bars) the values will be calculated as a percentage to the total value of current group. If you need the original values with "%" character, please use the number pattern format with "0.00%".

Number Pattern


Change the representation of values with a JAVA pattern.


Shows some examples for the most JAVA pattern. Copy with double click the selected example into the pattern field.

Preview Value

You can enter a custom preview value.


Shows the current number format.

For more information how to use the number pattern please see the Java tutorial: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/format/decimalFormat.html

Date / Time / Date & Time


Changes the format for date value.


Changes the format for time value.


Shows the current date and time with the selected format.

Date Pattern


Change the representation of values with a JAVA pattern.


Shows some examples for the most JAVA pattern. Copy with double click the selected example into the pattern field.


Shows the current date and time with the selected pattern.

For more information how to use the number pattern please see the Java tutorial: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/format/simpleDateFormat.html.

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Help - Formatting Properties